691 research outputs found

    Experimental analysis of the thermal energy storage potential of a phase change material embedded in additively manufactured lattice structures

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    Recent literature introduced novel additively manufactured porous metallic structures designed to deliver enhancement of the thermal conductivity of organic phase change materials. Among these, so-called lattice structures are of particular interest for application in lightweight components. Originally investigated for their attractive mass-specific mechanical properties, these geometries were recently proposed, in alternative to metallic foams, as a conductive matrix of phase change materials. However, the geometrical parameters of a lattice structure differ from the ones of a metallic foam and no established data exist in the literature about the influence of the lattice cell geometry on the transient heat transfer enhancement of a phase change material. This work presents an experimental comparison of the thermal behaviour of a composite based on an n-Octadecane paraffin wax embedded in four different aluminium lattices with varying unit cell topology (f2ccz, bcc, bccz, f2bcc), but showing the same cell size, aspect ratio and strut diameter. It is noticed that the unit cell topology affects the transient thermal behaviour beyond its direct effect on the cell porosity. To address this, a specific thermal performance parameter is identified. The sample based on the f2ccz topology represents the best candidate. The influence of orientation with respect to gravity on the heat transfer is also investigated. While the samples show relatively low porosity, ranging from 70.7% to 83.4%, the wide pore diameters lead to a high impact of melt convection on the thermal behaviour of most samples. Up to 28% wall temperature variation is evidenced for different heating orientations

    Cluster Headache and the Comprehension Paradox

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    Patients with primary headache disorders such as cluster headache cycle between being entirely healthy and almost completely incapacitated. Sick leave or reduced performance due to headache attacks demands flexibility by their social counterparts. The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that headache patients cause frustration that grows with the times colleagues have to take over their work. In this study, we analysed cluster headache patients’ answers to an online questionnaire. Participants self-reported their number of sick days, the number of days on which leisure activities were missed and whether they felt understood by colleagues and family. We then investigated the correlation between the number of sick days and the proportion of patients feeling understood by colleagues and friends. We found that feeling understood by colleagues and friends decreases with a growing number of sick days. However, when sick days accrue further, this proportion increases again. The number of sick days correlates similarly with both colleagues’ and friends’ understanding. The number of cluster headache patients feeling understood by others decreases with an increasing number of sick days. Their social circles’ frustration with the patients’ failure to meet obligations and expectations are a likely reason. With a growing number of sick days, however, the portion of patients feeling understood rises again despite patients meeting others’ expectations even less. This ‘comprehension paradox’ implies the influence of other factors. We suspect that growing numbers of sick days foster understanding as the disability of the disease becomes increasingly apparent

    Beta-blocker migraine prophylaxis affects the excitability of the visual cortex as revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation

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    The objective of this study is to assess effects of beta-blocker migraine prophylaxis on cortical excitability determined by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Phosphene and motor thresholds (PT, MT) were investigated in 29 patients with migraine, in 15 of them prior to and following preventive medication with metoprolol and in 14 patients without prophylaxis. Following prophylaxis headache frequency significantly decreased (p = 0.005) and mean PT were significantly increased (51.5 ± 7.5 vs. 63.6 ± 8.4%) compared to patients without preventive treatment (53.7 ± 5.3 vs. 52.3 ± 6.3%; p = 0.040). Mean MT did not significantly differ either between groups or due to treatment. In the group of all patients, a significant inverse correlation between headache frequency and the level of PT was found (R = −0.629; p < 0.01). There was, however, no significant correlation in the subgroups of patients. We conclude that (a) clinical efficacy of beta-blocker treatment in migraine could be (at least partly) linked to its ability to modulate the excitability of the visual cortex and (b) the PT determined by TMS appears suitable to assess the effects of prophylaxis on cortical excitability in the individual patient. This may be useful in clinical trials investigating migraine preventive drugs

    Isotope or mass encoding of combinatorial libraries

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    Background: Combinatorial chemistry using solid-phase synthesis is a rapidly developing technology that can result in a significant reduction in the time required to find and optimize lead compounds. The application of this approach to traditional medicinal chemistry has led to the construction of libraries of small organic molecules on resin beads. A major difficulty in developing large combinatorial libraries is the lack of a facile encoding and decoding methodology to identify active compounds.Results: Several encoding schemes are described which use the ability of mass spectrometry to ascertain isotopic distributions. Molecular tags are attached to resin beads in parallel or on the linker used for chemical library synthesis. The tags are encoded via a controlled ratio of a number of stable isotopes on the tagging molecules, and range from a single to a complex isotopic distribution.Conclusions: A novel coding scheme is described that is useful for the generation of large encoded combinatorial libraries. The code can be cleaved after assay and analyzed by mass spectrometry in an automated fashion. An important element of the combinatorial discovery process is the ability to extract the structure-activity relationship (SAR) information made available by library screening. The speed and sensitivity of the mass-encoding scheme has the potential to determine the full SAR for a given library

    Occipital transcranial direct current stimulation in episodic migraine patients: effect on cerebral perfusion

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    Cerebral blood flow differs between migraine patients and healthy controls during attack and the interictal period. This study compares the brain perfusion of episodic migraine patients and healthy controls and investigates the influence of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the occipital cortex. We included healthy adult controls and episodic migraineurs. After a 28-day baseline period and the baseline visit, migraine patients received daily active or sham anodal tDCS over the occipital lobe for 28 days. All participants underwent a MRI scan at baseline; migraineurs were also scanned shortly after the stimulation period and about five months later. At baseline, brain perfusion of migraine patients and controls differed in several areas; among the stimulated areas, perfusion was increased in the cuneus of healthy controls. At the first visit, the active tDCS group had an increased blood flow in regions processing visual stimuli and a decreased perfusion in other areas. Perfusion did not differ at the second follow-up visit. The lower perfusion level in migraineurs in the cuneus indicates a lower preactivation level. Anodal tDCS over the occipital cortex increases perfusion of several areas shortly after the stimulation period, but not 5 months later. An increase in the cortical preactivation level could mediate the transient reduction of the migraine frequency.Trial registration: NCT03237754 (registered at clincicaltrials.gov; full date of first trial registration: 03/08/2017)

    Performances in cerebellar and neuromuscular transmission tests are correlated in migraine with aura

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    In previous studies, we described subclinical abnormalities of neuromuscular transmission and cerebellar functions in migraineurs. The aim of this study was to search if these two functions are correlated in the same patient. Thirteen migraineurs [five without aura (MO) and eight with aura (MA)] underwent both stimulation-SFEMG and 3D-movement analysis. Single fiber EMG (SFEMG) results were expressed as the “mean value of consecutive differences” (mean MCD). Precision of arm-reaching movements (measured with an infrared optoelectronic tracking system) was expressed as the average deviation in the horizontal plane. Median values of mean MCD and mean horizontal deviation were not different between MO and MA. However, in MA, but not in MO, both variables were positively correlated. Thus, we conclude that neuromuscular transmission and cerebellar functions are correlated in the same patient when affected by migraine with aura. We suggest that this correlation might be due to a common molecular abnormality

    Optimization of Potent Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Helicase Inhibitors Isolated from the Yellow Dyes Thioflavine S Primuline

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    A screen for hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 helicase inhibitors revealed that the commercial dye thioflavine S was the most potent inhibitor of NS3-catalyzed DNA and RNA unwinding in the 827-compound National Cancer Institute Mechanistic Set. Thioflavine S and the related dye primuline were separated here into their pure components, all of which were oligomers of substituted benzothiazoles. The most potent compound (P4), a benzothiazole tetramer, inhibited unwinding >50% at 2±1 μM, inhibited the subgenomic HCV replicon at 10 μM, and was not toxic at 100 μM. Because P4 also interacted with DNA, more specific analogs were synthesized from the abundant dimeric component of primuline. Some of the 29 analogs prepared retained ability to inhibit HCV helicase but did not appear to interact with DNA. The most potent of these specific helicase inhibitors (compound 17) was active against the replicon and inhibited the helicase more than 50% at 2.6±1 μM

    Does visual cortex lactate increase following photic stimulation in migraine without aura patients? A functional 1H-MRS study

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    Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) has been used in a number of studies to assess noninvasively the temporal changes of lactate (Lac) in the activated human brain. Migraine neurobiology involves lack of cortical habituation to repetitive stimuli and a mitochondrial component has been put forward. Our group has recently demonstrated a reduction in the high-energy phosphates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine (PCr) in the occipital lobe of migraine without aura (MwoA) patients, at least in a subgroup, in a phosphorus MRS (31P-MRS) study. In previous studies, basal Lac levels or photic stimulation (PS)-induced Lac levels were found to be increased in patients with migraine with aura (MwA) and migraine patients with visual symptoms and paraesthesia, paresia and/or dysphasia, respectively. The aim of this study was to perform functional 1H-MRS at 3 T in 20 MwoA patients and 20 control subjects. Repetitive visual stimulation was applied using MR-compatible goggles with 8 Hz checkerboard stimulation during 12 min. We did not observe any significant differences in signal integrals, ratios and absolute metabolite concentrations, including Lac, between MwoA patients and controls before PS. Lac also did not increase significantly during and following PS, both for MwoA patients and controls. Subtle Lac changes, smaller than the sensitivity threshold (i.e. estimated at 0.1–0.2 μmol/g at 3 T), cannot be detected by MRS. Our study does, however, argue against a significant switch to non-aerobic glucose metabolism during long-lasting PS of the visual cortex in MwoA patients

    Abnormal cortical responses to somatosensory stimulation in medication-overuse headache

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    BACKGROUND: Medication-overuse headache (MOH) is a frequent, disabling disorder. Despite a controversial pathophysiology convincing evidence attributes a pivotal role to central sensitization. Most patients with MOH initially have episodic migraine without aura (MOA) characterized interictally by an absent amplitude decrease in cortical evoked potentials to repetitive stimuli (habituation deficit), despite a normal initial amplitude (lack of sensitization). Whether central sensitization alters this electrophysiological profile is unknown. We therefore sought differences in somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) sensitization and habituation in patients with MOH and episodic MOA. METHODS: We recorded median-nerve SEPs (3 blocks of 100 sweeps) in 29 patients with MOH, 64 with MOA and 42 controls. Episodic migraineurs were studied during and between attacks. We measured N20-P25 amplitudes from 3 blocks of 100 sweeps, and assessed sensitization from block 1 amplitude, and habituation from amplitude changes between the 3 sequential blocks. RESULTS: In episodic migraineurs, interictal SEP amplitudes were normal in block 1, but thereafter failed to habituate. Ictal SEP amplitudes increased in block 1, then habituated normally. Patients with MOH had larger-amplitude block 1 SEPs than controls, and also lacked SEP habituation. SEP amplitudes were smaller in triptan overusers than in patients overusing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or both medications combined, lowest in patients with the longest migraine history, and highest in those with the longest-lasting headache chronification. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with MOH, especially those overusing NSAIDs, the somatosensory cortex becomes increasingly sensitized. Sensory sensitization might add to the behavioral sensitization that favors compulsive drug intake, and may reflect drug-induced changes in central serotoninergic transmission